Smoked Plum Wee Heavy 10,2% ABV/31°P

Historically, Scotch ales have been divided into different strength categories. The strongest, darkest, most caramelised and most expressive ale was known as wee heavy. Our Smoked Plum Wee heavy style is a strong expressive ale that combines both cereal and fruity characteristics.
The wort for this beer was boiled for up to four times the standard boiling time. This allowed us to caramelise the beer extensively and create a wide range of unfermentable dextrins. From the first touch of the glass, you can see the thick texture of this beer, which allows you to anticipate the complexity of aromas and flavours to come. Malt and caramel aromas are intertwined with light smoke and plum fruitiness.
Smoked prunes not only give this beer a deeper flavour but also create a fruity sweetness. The light smoke combines well with a deep maltiness and caramel.

Ingredients: water, barley malt, roasted barley, hops, smoked plums, brewer's yeast.

OG: 1.133
FG: 1.055
ABV: 10.2%
IBU: 32
EBC: 26

2.86 € 2.86 EUR 2.86 €

2.86 €

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Tara Skardinė 0,33L or Statinė 20L