Circus PUSH'23 presentation evening

Circus PUSH'23 presentation evening

Circus PUSH is a creative platform that supports and encourages new Lithuanian contemporary circus creations. First organized by ŠCA in 2020, it has grown to become an international support network. In this year's edition 5 new projects were selected by the international committee, and we invite you to see their work in progress presentations on December 5 in Dūmų Fabrikas!
Selected projects:
Aino Mäkipää - Gandras
The show is inspired by the artist's fascination with storks and their elegant yet rough appearance. Storks, always moving between two homes, remind the artist of her own life, traveling and performing with the circus, not having one settled place to call home. The performance will use a Chinese pole to represent a stork’s nest and a costume that shows the stork's beautiful and silly sides, aiming to create a unique site-specific piece. It tells the stork’s story from a human point of view, exploring relationships and stories between people and storks, using various resources like films, articles, and real-life observations and stories from people who live close to storks.
Kęstas Matusevičius - Prelude
Prelude - a show with a never ending beginning. Main character “actor Liudas” cannot start his show because he has too high expectations about it. Preparation, procrastination are the main axis of the show which are played through absurd and comedy. The main concept of the show is that the show would be mostly not seen but heard - show behind the “curtain”.
Būda.collective - Grocery Store
The performance revolves around a place that is very familiar to all of us and is an integral part of our lives - the grocery store. The grocery store is an interesting place where everyone, including the never-changing cashiers, strives to coexist harmoniously. We want to explore the daily life and situations that occur in a simple Lithuanian store. We ourselves have grown up in such stores where candies were tastier, the gum selection was larger, and the cashier seemed capable of performing miracles. Although the foreground of the performance is a humorous image of a grocery store with the characters there, the performance will mainly be about the different perceptions of different people towards the same situations in life. We want to look at the characteristics of how different people communicate, why do people communicate in one way or another, what determines it? We will examine four different situations, delve into four different themes, during which we will laugh, manipulate objects, ask questions, and engage in visual play. This is a different kind of performance for the “Būda.Collective”, diving into unfamiliar waters filled with laughter, improvisation, openness, and simplicity.
Taigi Cirkas - Saucisson
Contemporary circus performative installation "Saucisson" is a pop-art style piece that brings you to a sweet world of desacralising the circus object and deheroizing the circus artist in absurd ways. We are used to seeing a circus artist as a hero who perfectly controls their body and their object. What happens when they lose control over one of the elements? Are they still a hero when the object becomes absurd, uncontrollable, absent?
Marija Baranauskaitė-Liberman, Markas Liberman - The Nappies Project
The Nappies Project explores the connection between humans and diapers. Marija's performances are known for their radical object-oriented ideas. After her explorations of performing for non-conscious audiences in The Sofa Project and featuring non-human performers in The Duck Show Performance, she now delves into researching an object that, as a new mother, will be a part of her life for years: diapers.
Tickets are free, please register via link in the even!


Organized by Šiuolaikinio Cirko Asociacija.
Our friends - Naujojo Cirko Stotelės festival.
Funded by - Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Date & Time
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
6:00 PM 9:00 PM (Europe/Vilnius) Add to Calendar

Dūmų fabrikas

Dūmų g. 5
Vilnius 11119
+370 600 20305
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Šiuolaikinio cirko asociacija

+370 605 17008

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